Friday, September 24, 2010



Check out the SHARP zine "Get SHARP!  The Zine" on the "Get SHARP!  The Zine" page on our blog!

Happy reading!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Couple of Pics of the Amazingness that is the SHARPies @ Flemo, Summer 2010

SHARPies doing an activity using pictures to tell their stories. 

The rest of the SHARPies doing their thing!
David preparing the food for our celebration lunch!

Posing for the camera.

The SHARPies all excited to read their completed Zine!
AnnaPenner, David and Rhobyn dressed up like boys and girls for the last day of SHARP!
Rhobyn posing as a pretty girl with his fancy chapeau!
David posing as the other pretty girl.
David and Rhobyn don't dress like this everyday.  It was a VERY special occasion for the SHARPies.

It's almost a complete group picture.  Almost.
And finally, a COMPLETE group pic!  SHARPies @ Flemo Summer 2010

Having those special feelings while eating a box of chocolate.
Camera hogs, much?
Until next time, everyone!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Get SHARP at Flemingdon

Planned Parenthood Toronto (PPT) is super fortunate and super thankful to have an amazing partnership with Flemingdon Health Centre (FHC)!  We are thankful to everyone in the Flemingdon community who welcomed us with open arms and open minds!  Thank you to all of our AMAZING Sharpies (you know who you are), who were our guinea pigs for our first cycle of SHARP at Flemingdon!  Because all 9 of you were SOO AMAZING and because SHARP went over so well, we'll be running another cycle of SHARP at FHC in the Fall of 2010!  YAY! 

So what is SHARP? 

The Self-esteem Health Appreciation Respect Project (SHARP) is a program by Planned Parenthood Toronto. SHARP is a program where newcomer youth and youth whose families are from places other than Canada can get together, talk about healthy relationships, self-esteem, cultural values and cultural expectations.  It's also a great way to meet new people, earn volunteer hours, eat tons of food, learn about leadership, youth engagement and team building, all while having lots of fun!

If you're interested in being a part of SHARP, contact:

Rhobyn James
Community Health Promoter
416.961.0113 ext. 155

SHARP will be running at Flemingdon Health Centre in the Fall of 2010.  Stay tuned for details!


Hey all! Your friendly neighbourhood administrator here, just announcing our twitter page! Follow us, @sharpiesatflemo!

PPT's Youth HIV/AIDS Program Volunteer Recruitment

This post signifies the first blog post by the Sharpies@flemingdon. Wow, this is actually monumental! Anyways, here is information regarding a new program Planned Parenthood Toronto is running.