SHARPies Biographies


Aria Rain - I am your friendly neighborhood blog administrator. I am also the number one fan of the number one hockey player, Sidney Crosby. If you have any hockey-related questions, or questions in general, feel free to ask. I shall try to answer to the best of my ability. I lurve reading, and chocolate (certain types) and ice cream (certain types). Have fun reading this blog. I worked very hard on it. 

Rose Hathaway - is missing in action.  We miss her and hope she comes back to write her bio!

Sara A. - Hello, my name is Sara A. I like cookies and chocolate milk. I'm into swimming and singing and dancing and reading and being bored. When I get as old as David, I will have a career in child psychology and I will also be a pilot , police and flight attendant: whichever pays more. I like giving attitude , because I'm cool like that and yeah, I just realized I like naan and I speak 3 languages: English, Spanish and Spanglish also 'cuz I'm cool like that. Okii bye. Keep reading.

LG - hi, my name is LG (the Kirby overlord), and this is my bio. I enjoy being near animals (especially cats) and eating chocolate. In the spare time that I have, I plot to take over the world and become world dominator. Ok, in case anyone thinks that I'm a mental patient that escaped, I'm not a mental patient. I'm perfectly sane when I 'm not plotting to take over the world. In the future, I hope to work in the medical field (being a type of doctor, maybe surgeon)

Lisa - I am Lisa, and I was born in a South-Asian courntry called Bangladesh. I just came here two months back, so I miss my country very much. I am sweet, nice and a good-hearted person, but sometimes a bit sensitive. I am 18, a very emotional person and love to know people. My hobbies are reading books, chatting with friends and watching television.

Rosa Zenitha - I love reading and music and writing and eating. I'm kind of a serious person in life, but I like having fun too. Duh! Everyone does. And I really like dipping my finger into the nutella jar and sucking the nutella from my finger. Yum!

Death Race - Hey, my name is Death Race. I got my name from my t-shirt that I wore on the first day. (Looks like I shouldn't have dressed so badly, but whatever.) So, a bit about me. Well, I am weird. Have a boyfriend (You wish Death Race! You wish.) Ok fine, I don't, but hey, I wouldn't mind one. I love animals. I love to dance and sing and act. And I am very nice. Have a nice day!

Abid - My name is Abid. I am 16 years old, currently attending high school. I am from Afghanistan. I came to Canada in 2004. I really love reading and writing. My favourite sports are wrestling, cricket and basketball. My favourite movies are 3 Idiots and Home Alone 3. When I grow up, I want to become a writer or a lawyer. I love helping people.

Team Applesauce:

Moustache Man, The Chocolate Bunny and Anna Penner:

Up, up and away, Team Applesauce is here to save the day!

Moustache Man, Anna Penner and the Chocolate Bunny lurve ice cream, candy and vegetables. They also lurve working with other superheros, especially the strange ones they met on Planet Flemingdon. They provide fun and exciting superhero trainings, and hope to train a new batch of superheroes in the Fall of 2010.


Merve Kolcak - Hi, I'm a SHARPie. My name is Merve Kolcak. I had an amazing time in SHARP. It gave me knowledge to be open minded about everthing.  Now I should talk about myself. I am a very funny person and I love to crack jokes. I love to play sports. The thing I love most is TALKING. You can imagine how many times Eva and Rhobyn told me to "zip it". Every Thursday they would show me the RULES for SHARP. To be honest with all of you guys I am a really bossy person. Everyone in SHARP even admitted it. I'm not "bossy" bossy. I'm "nice" bossy. I love getting attention. This is all you need to about me and being a SHARPie. Bye for now.  Open-mouth smile

Arifin - I am 15 years old and I go to MGCI. My favorite sports are basketball and soccer. My favorite athlete is LeBron James because he is very talented and funny. I am interested in math and science and I hope to help others with my knowledge when I have a career. Other pastimes are eating ice cream and playing CoD.


  1. So awesome! I want to be part of SHARP! Looks like fun!

  2. hi, Anonymous

    well your talking to death race and yea sharp is tottaly awsome. You should tottaly join it is alot of fun. for pic dresses courtsy mine. lol but sharp is prrty cool :)

  3. abid

    i am so happy that more people are taking interest in the sharp program.its a good thing that this program is expending and more ppl are joining.hope this program is run again in the near future and would love to join it

    see ya all who were in this program
